Unlocking the Future: The Scope and Growth of Management Courses from Champaran College of Professional Education Embarking on a management course at Champaran College of Professional Education (CCPE) is more…

Independence Day Celebration
The Independence Day celebrations at the college will be held on August 15, 2024, with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. Stay up-to date here.

DPSITE College is quite good and very few student you find in college campus. Most of them came after 12th. BEd is only course after graduation their. 2 sports meet…

Manvi Gupta
B.ed is very important for teachers. Yes, the curriculum of DPSITE College prepares you for real world applications. Rural areas are the areas that is used to improve in the course…

B.ED. (Bachelor of Education)
2-year professional program for individuals aspiring to be teachers in schools, colleges, and other academic institutions.

D.EL.ED (Diploma in Elementary Education)
2 year course that trains for teaching Primary (I to V) and Upper Primary (VI to VIII) classes.
Best Curriculum
Our faculties are dedicated at providing the well researched and the best in the class curriculum for our students.
Sound methodology of teaching, combining the traditional and modern, computer aided teaching
To establish a unique identity of DPS Institute of Teachers; Education by development of high quality instructional manpower and ICT resources for contributing to the economic and social development of…
The mission of DPS Institute of Teachers' Education shall be to train and transfer its trainees into well trained and highly motivated teachers, educationists; academicians etc. who become knowledge makers…